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Castle Glen Winery at illuminate light show in doswell virginia


Illuminate Light Show at The Meadow Event Park

The Meadow Event Park, Caroline County, VA
Entrance: GATE 1 on the right side of Rt. 30 (heading East)
Look for the tall purple lit Christmas tree!

Dates and Hours:
Visit Sunday through Thursday for a less crowded experience. The Light Show is open every day, including in rain and snow. In case of severe weather, check our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for closure updates.

Experience the Show:
Enjoy the Illuminate Light Show from the comfort of your vehicle. Drive through the park and be amazed by nearly a million LED lights synchronized to festive music broadcasted through your car radio.

The drive-through experience typically takes between 20 and 45 minutes, depending on guest volume.

Admission Includes:

  • Access to the light show

Pets are welcome to enjoy the Light Show with you!

Payment Options:
We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and cash at the ticket booth.


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