Castle Glen Winery has permanently closed.

We somehow survived the COVID shutdowns, but the economy in the last 4 years along with ever-increasing supply costs have made the business unsustainable. We have now closed permanently.

To our customers:

We want to thank all our customers and followers over the last 10 years. It was our honor to help you all create lifetime memories and moments of joy. To those of you who trusted us with your weddings, your birthday parties, baby showers, and other special events, it was a privilege.

To our wine club members, your loyalty and enthusiasm was uplifting and sustaining for us in many ways, so thank you.

To our employees:

To our employees, there is no way to express our appreciation for the hard work, long hours, dedication, and passion you brought to the business. Thank you all for taking care of the business and especially for taking care of our customers. You brought a family atmosphere that is rare. You made our little business a proud member of the community. You brought joy to so many people in so many ways.

Thank you.

To our community:

To the workers at Virginia ABC, the county government of Hanover, law enforcement of Hanover, and the TTB, your support and cooperation over the years is to be commended.

Small businesses are completely dependent upon regulatory cooperation, and you all were a shining example of what good looks like!

Thank you!